Aries Man And Gemini Woman Long-Term Compatibility

Just got left in a huge apartment after my Aries mate bounced after a huge blowout fight. She’s already with another guy she met with 3 days after she left me, I’m crushed cause I know they are doing the deed. She did what she accused me of/was afraid I was gonna do for our whole relationship. Ladies, since you don’t know me please allow me to share my thoughts on what could have made it better. Some days are good for me and some days my brain is on overdrive.

The emotional energy of the Aries woman and the mental energy of the Gemini man when combined make them capable of doing anything they put their minds to. Which is surprising, since they live in separate worlds. When it doesn’t matter where you are as long as you’re both here? And when you look at them, they look like a perfect couple.

In particular, they will need to take the time to learn how they each process the world and to accept their differences. He likes to talk as he is working, which will be distracting to her. She will work on a problem for as long as it takes to be solved, which he will see as obsessive. This hard work will greatly increase the chance of this marriage being successful.

Gemini woman dating aries guy

She doesn’t mind facing up to the challenges that he is likely to hide away from. He keeps her inspired and they both have quite a bit of optimism. The spontaneous nature of both these signs adds adventure and excitement to their friendship. However, the desirable chemistry between Aries and Gemini changes a little when they appear as moon signs or rising signs for two partners.

They share a lot of similarities, and that is why they are perfect for each other. When a Gemini man and an Aries woman get together, sparks may fly. They have this sense of chemistry that everyone in the room notices and only they can understand. Because of their intelligent nature, they have a great conversations together.

Gemini woman relationship aries son

This is where an Aries man’s marriage to an Aries woman becomes difficult. They may end up locking horns like the ram that is their Salams sign’s symbol. They can both get lost in conflict and completely forget their common mission or respect for each other as a couple.

We have been together for less than 5 months, but we feel so connected. Have visited one another frequently and I feel that this man is my soul mate. When he’s wrong, he admits it, and he is just SO caring and sweet… I love it.


During sex, romance, love, and passion should remain positive. Adding BDSM or fetish into the bedroom may result in hurtful feelings and a lack of good communication. The couple can implode just as quickly as their relationship hits full stride if they are not careful to respect each other in every area of the partnership. Both parties are happy to try all areas of sex, including public, and fetish. The more creative Aries allows Gemini to be sexually, the more likely the pair will be soulmates. The deep connection between sex and communicating well solidifies the compatibility of the pair.

Trust can be an issue for both as they are naturally flirtatious and jealousy can be a common theme for conflict. Personalised reports start from $47 and are the key to opening up a whole new world of mutual understanding between yourself and your partner. Aries Horoscope – Traits, personality, dates, characteristics, and more. For the person who is always googling astrological compatibility when they meet someone new. This simple secret about Aries men puts you first in his mind and makes him fall deeply in love with you.

Friends first, lovers second, the Aries and Gemini pairing see plenty of sparks in the bedroom. Still, it’s not always a bed of roses for this couple, in or out of bed! Here we are joining the warrior and the intellectual. Aries is the action-oriented warrior-minded personality. Aries can be compassionate, but it takes a while to reach that level of intimacy.

We are more close and connected now, then we ever have been.Our frienship is amazing and our chemistry is un real. I have believed all along that we share something rare and that he is my ONE and always will be. I am also an Aries woman in love with a Gemini man. We were together for a little over a year, and then he broke up with me.

Are they able to make a love match work or is it something to be avoided? Let’s learn more about their personalities to find out. The most common Aries traits are assertiveness, decisiveness, leadership skills and a strong sense of competition. Aries men are also optimistic and sometimes child-like. The most common Gemini traits include intelligence, creativity, wittiness and a good sense of humor.

Aries Man and Gemini Woman Compatibility

He will find her strength interesting and exciting. She will find him a comfortable person to talk to and be with. A Gemini man and Aries woman make for a loving relationship. It is likely that they will be instantly attracted to each other. She will absolutely resist any attempts for a man to control her or tell her what to do. It is not that he does not love whoever he is with.

If the Gemini Woman inspires Aries, these two become co-creators of incredible innovations. This couple must learn that intellect and intent are stronger with ambition as fuel. It will allow them to become co-creators of the reality they share. When polarities go out of balance, it is the polarization of the energies.